Kaliptikal Magazine Issue 2

Body offset print • Cover screen print 5 colors • Released with 3 different logos, black, orange, silver • 499 pieces signed and stamped by hand • 80 pages • 16,8 x 24,0 cm • soft cover
«Line 1» is a space in the city that can also be considered to be a utopia. Nobody lives in it and neither can buildings be built into it, no people are walking around and there is no dialog; so it can not be considered to be a public space. And still, it is public property and entrance is not allowed. There is also a group of people that has spent a significant part of their lives along this line. Since adolesence the drive to explore is intense and the tall fence that separates «Line 1» from the residential part of the city is very provocative. The second issue of Kaliptikal is a collection of photographical experiences that people who explore «Line 1» daily and in more depth have collected during the past couple of years. Get it here.